Quickly Find the Right Suppliers
BizVibe is home to one of the largest company profile databases on the web, helping you find both local and international suppliers.
30 Million+ Companies
Discover more than 5 million detailed supplier profiles, organized into 300+ categories, spanning across 70+ countries.
Advanced Search Filters
Target your search to efficiently find the best fit suppliers. Filter by geography, category, employee details, supplier activity, and more.
Recommended Suppliers
The more you search, the more BizVibe learns about your needs and as a result, will start recommending the best suppliers for your business.
Build a Dashboard of Shortlisted Suppliers
Once you identify best-fit suppliers during the discovery process, build a shortlist of companies that fit match your supplier criteria.
Saved Searches
Found lots of shortlist worthy suppliers after refining your search? Save your search for future use.
Category-Based Lists
Build multiple supplier shortlists and customize them based on category.
Real-Time Alerts
Create customized alerts to get notified in real-time when there is news about the suppliers on your shortlists.
Track & Compare Companies
Mitigate Supplier Risk
Due your due diligence and mitigate supplier risk by researching and evaluating shortlisted suppliers using company tracking and comparison tools.
Track Suppliers
Stay up to date on the latest company news, organizational changes, negative news, financial reports, and more.
Compare Companies
Compare up to five companies at once, helping you benchmark and evaluate suppliers in a single view.
Supplier Evaluation
Use the tracking and comparison tools to evaluate which suppliers are the best for your business.
These tools help to answer key questions such as:?
- Is the supplier financially secure?
- Is the supplier approved by any trade associations or governments?
- Is this supplier safe to do business with?
Gather More Information by Sending RFIs
Further narrow your shortlist by crafting RFIs to see which suppliers have the capabilities to meet your needs.
Pre-Formatted Templates
Save time with preformatted RFI templates. These templates can be easily edited to support the intent of the RFI.
Custom Questionnaries
Create personalized RFI questionnaires to generate useful responses. Easily find and reuse previous questions for future questionnaires.
Submit Your Request
You can send RFIs directly from the BizVibe platform. Additionally, users can manage the status of all RFIs in their supplier dashboard.
Here's Some More Tips to Find the Best Suppliers for Your Business

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